Wednesday, August 29, 2007

happiness was born a twin

this was the hardest (and at the same time the easiest) poem i have ever written. i have way too mancy things to say about my lovely twin so instead of writing a three page blog, i will just let you read the poem...

In Your heart I see love and
passion deeper than the ocean.
In Your face I see beauty
beyond this earth.
In Your eyes I see adoration
for the world and the people around You.
In Your smile I see a kind-hearted and
welcoming spirit.
In Your personality I see
magic that only You obtain.
In Your soul I feel a
warmth stronger than fire.
In Your touch I feel a spark
burning with affection.
In Your presence I feel an
ora like no other.
In Your voice I hear knowledge
greater than I will ever know.
In Your laugh I hear joy
that no one else has heard.

Our love is stronger than anything
This earth knows; stronger than words.

Our bond will never be broken
But constantly grow stronger.

We will be together for infinity because

We are…Twins


Friday, August 24, 2007

so kiss me goodbye

Last Night I saw the future
that is why i told people i loved them.
This time and idea may never come again
this is why if you want to embrace,
you should embrace; if you want to talk,
you should talk; and above all
if you want to love, you should love.

You don't need to hang onto the past,
it already made us smile.
This is why we are who we are.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

That's What Friends Are For... Part Two

So the sadness, excitment, and all around chios has just hit me. I have been super busy packing for college, yet I still find the time to sip tea and write poetry. Writing poems seems to make the world stop turning for a moment. This poem was written for a truely beautiful lady with a heart of gold and a strong spirit...I LOVE YOU!

As I gaze at You…
Your enchanting presence accentuates
…my times of euphoria
Your charming personality mesmerizes
…my times of solitude
Your sapphire eyes glance upon
…my times of accomplishment
You smile brightens
…my times of misery
Your embrace comforts
…my times of vulnerability
Your beautiful soul teaches
…my times of naivety

Certain people think too much
Talk to much
Push too much
But you’ve got them all beat

Tonight we spend eternity on
top of the world!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

That's What Friends Are For...Part One

Slowly we are all heading our separate ways; whether it is to college, high school, or anywhere in between. As my close friends start to leave to different parts of the state and some even into new states I have been inspired to write poems on each one of our friendships. Here we go....

A Toast to My

Thanks for helping us
remember, but not get
caught ip in the past.
dream of the future
and a better tomorrow.
all the while we give,live,
laugh, love, inspire, create,
play, find, wander, elevate,
breathe, and expand with
every turn of a new page.
You unveil all that we can't see.
You listen to the softest whispers.
Youfeel the untouched.
You heal our hearts.
Here's to You; Never let Us go!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Atlantic Illumination

The moon shed new lucent light on the hushed earth
the ocean escorted new water to the sandy shore,
sapphire water gently rolls upon the carmel coast
bringing with it new treasures for humanity
the honeyed stars illuminate the indigo sky
not even a cloud graces this romantic twilight.
Palm trees tango with the sheer breath of the heavenly body
the tall grasses whistle and serenade all that listens
tonight the sphere of life is refreshed, new essence is revived within every soul.
People have forgotten how to hate, only love is known;
no one is lost, everyone has found their way;
love is restored to the living and nonliving,
love is the roots of every being.
This night is when star-crossed lovers unite and
enemies hold hands,
nothing can go wrong, no one is lonely
everything and everyone has a purpose,
a meaning here.
The magic has come alive,
no longer is this paradise a dream or vision of the past
love humbles all, evil is forever no more
for nature only knows sweet emotion.