Thursday, September 13, 2007

slit my throat, there's no one to blame

Pacific Destruction~
Today death walked on her,
it’s her own fault.
She let everything end, to her nothing was precious
nothing was important.
Her life was a caricature of existence.

I bought a pocket watch,
I tried to slow down life, to control yours.
You let it happen, you let wrath overcome your hate of love.

You are blind, yet you can see;
you can’t listen, yet you can hear;
you weren’t living, yet you were alive;
To you only one thing existed for sure.

Life was not sacred to you,
Death was.
People were of no great value to you,
Corpses were.

What was wrong with you?
Why did you let it all escape?

Today I saw life decay,
I saw you let go.

Today life slips from me.

i had rough day today, can you tell?

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